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宏旭-高速公路沟盖板模具-水泥高速公路沟盖板模具 宏旭-高速公路沟盖板模具-水泥高速公路沟盖板模具


Highway ditch cover mold anti-corrosion treatment must be done well, otherwise for steel in the pouring process of cement easy to cause corrosion, and the general cause of this kind of corrosileyu����.txton is mainly because the mold of highway trench cover plate is often produced by welding. Steel is placed in the atmospheric environment, moisture, oxygen and other pollutants in the atmosphere Chemical reactions will occur on the steel mold. There are three ways to protect the chemical reaction in this respect

1. Metal protective layer: metal protective layer is a kind of metal or alloy with cathodic or anodic protection effect. Through electroplating, spray plating, chemical plating, hot plating and infiltration plating, a metal protective layer is formed on the surface of the metal to be protected to isolate the contact between metal and corrosive medium, or to protect the metal by electrochemical protection, so as to prevent corrosion.


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